Sunday, April 08, 2007

Courage, Onward Twit!

TS was full! On 19th May. With only one double room TS3 left. More than one month (42 days to be exact) beforehand. How pathetic! :(

It must be really good to be that popular or the 50% promo is the real deal! If you are intending to go there book earlier!

That got me worried that the situation might be the same in other hotels especially since the ones we are recce-ing are the el cheapo kind with minimal facilities since we need only a clean and safe place to sleep and bathe.

Note: At this point when we checked, Rainbow is already filled, Kilin and Ferrary were not even considered as they are fully booked. Even Chengdu (royal castle) which wasn't even considered was currently left with 2-3 rooms for that date. I wonder what is the occasion over there in Taipei? Besides being weekends? Or is it because these are the better hotels?

Decided to place a call to Futurestar. The personnel, Ms Li must be quite amused with my kiasu-ness (or craziness I dunno) coz there were many rooms available except for the NT$1480 combi one ( 精緻和式套房) . Placed a booking for a 豪華四人套房 for 4+ 溫馨套房 for 2 to suit the needs of other grp members.

Sucess! A stone has been laid down in my heart 放下了一百个心

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