貓空遊園公車 http://gondola.trtc.com.tw/g_travel1.asp 行駛路線 遊園公車路線經由指南路3段34巷、38巷、40巷至草湳橋,行經方向於三玄宮以西採逆時針單行,三玄宮以東至草湳橋頭採雙向行駛,由纜車貓空站為起站,沿途停靠田寮橋、樟湖路口、樟山寺、茶壺博物館、樟湖步道、三玄宮、天恩宮、茶展中心、貓空站、涼亭站、圓山、草湳,並迴轉停靠圓山、涼亭站、茶展中心、天恩宮,並回終點纜車貓空站。 班距 一般日尖峰12-15分鐘,離峰18-20分鐘 週五下午及假日:尖峰5-10分鐘、離峰12-15分鐘 (營運初期為因應人潮,可提昇至2分鐘1班) 營運時間 週一至週五9:00-22:00,國定及星期例假日:8:00-23:00
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
An easy way out of hassles to Alishan
A useful network I found: http://alishan.ho.net.tw/ Or Contact Ho Bo Ru at : +886 932879842
Local Land Tour Package to Alishan NT2500/pax
Day 1 Chiayi- Alishan Forest Recreational Area 第一天 嘉義 ─ 阿里山森林遊樂區
1pm Gather at Chiayi Train Station. A representative will explain to you the itinerary & make seating arrangements for you onboard the Alishan Forest Train. 13:00 於嘉義火車站大廳集合,有專人跟您解說行程,安排小火車座位
1.30pm Depart Chiayi for Alishan 13:30 於嘉義火車站搭乘阿里山小火車至阿里山站下車。阿里山小火車的螺旋環繞及 Z 字形爬升是世界僅存的三大登山鐵路之一。 ( 另可選搭 09:00 阿里山小火車 )
5.10pm Check into Alishan Hotel that the agent has booked for you 17:10 Check-in 阿里山飯店。
6.30pm Enjoy local Alishan cuisine 18:30 至餐廳享用當地風味晚餐
7.30pm Take a night stroll in the Alishan Commercial Area and view stars. Please Note That it might be chilly so bring your jackets. 19:30 夜遊阿里山商店街。在晴朗的月夜中極適合觀星,請須注意禦寒。 早餐:自備|午餐:自備|晚餐:風味晚餐 Meals on Day 1: Only Dinner will be provided
Day 2 Alishan FRA - Fencihu - Chiayi 第二天 阿里山森林遊樂區 ─ 奮起湖 ─ 嘉義
4.30am Specially hired tourbus will bring you to a good spot to observe sunrise in Yushan then to Tatajia Visitor's Centre to take in the majestic view of Yushan and the surrounding peaks. Along the way, we deviate to enjoy the sights of the Husband-wife tree, Deer Forest Shenmu, Mountain Lord Tree and monkeys in the wild primate preservation zone?. Yushan National Park Memorial Tablet & No.2 Deer Forest Shenmu in Taiwan 04:30 伴隨在滿天星斗,專車迎賓往玉山國家公園好望角觀日,並至塔塔加遊客中心眺望玉山群峰壯麗的山容。沿途欣賞夫妻樹、鹿林神木、夫妻樹與山霸王、獼猴群的野生彌猴保護區、玉山國家公園記念碑、全台第二鹿林神木…等。
8.00am Enjoy Breakfast Provided by Hotel 08:00 於阿里山飯店享受早餐
8.30am After meal stroll in the FRA to take in phytokenes? Along the way, you will past the Jiaoping Station and the Jicaiji as well as the Taiwan Yelan Flower Preservation Zone, Sister Lakes, Linlan Gardens, Zhenshou Temple, Xianglin Bridge, Elephant Nose Tree, 3 Generations Tree, Gaoshan Botanical Gardens, CiEn Shrine, Shenggong Plaque, Guangwu Cypress?, Giant Redwood Trail, Alishan Shenmu, Earth Deity Temple, Alishan Work Station and back to Hotel. Note that Road behind Xianglin Secondary's Track Field is the best spot to view the Cloud Seas. 08:30 餐後,建議您悠閒漫步於林道間徹底享受芬多精,路線可沿沼平車站旁之「集材機」和「台灣一葉蘭展示區」 → 姐妹潭 → 木蘭園 → 受鎮宮 → 香林橋 → 象鼻木、三代木 → 高山植物園 → 慈雲寺 → 旌功碑、樹靈塔 → 光武檜 → 巨木群棧道起點 → 阿里山神木 → 土地公廟 → 阿里山工作站 → 飯店,而香林國中運動場後方路段,視野遼闊,是阿里山森林遊樂區內觀賞雲海最佳的地點。
11am Check out 11:00 辦理退房手續
12.30 You will be brought from Alishan Visitors Centre to Fencihu to enjoy Fencihu's famed Lunchbox. Suggestion: Do not miss the railway biscuits, iron eggs and aiyu. Lunch is NOT provided! 12:30 於阿里山遊客中心 ( 或旅館 ) 前接泊至奮起湖享用最有名的奮起湖便當。建議您也別錯過奮起湖百年老街內的火車餅、草仔粿、鐵蛋與愛玉等美食 ( 中餐請自理 )
2.20pm In front of Fancylake Hotel, the bus will send you to Chiayi Station. Along the way you can enjoy the view and visit the 2 old bridges: DijiuTanChang Bridges (Everlasting Earth, Eternal Sky) 14:20 於奮起湖大飯店 ( 或公車站 ) 前專車接往嘉義火車站沿途欣賞美景,漫遊兩座古樸的吊橋: 上為天長橋,下為地久橋,據說若是有情人攜手共渡二橋,便能天長地久、白頭偕老
4.30 Reach Chiayi Railway Station. 16:30 抵達嘉義火車站,期待下次的再訪
早餐:飯店享用|午餐:奮起湖便當|晚餐:自備 Meals provided on Day 2: Breakfast by Hotel, Fencihu Lunchbox
Posted by
Zut et al.
4:19 PM
Accomodation on Alishan
Alishan Accomodation Network : http://alih.cru.com.tw/
Hotels in Forest Recreation Area
Hotels in Commercial Area Near Alishan train station
- 阿里山櫻山大飯店 YingShan Hotel http://www.ying-shan.com.tw/ near commercial area around train station, post office 電話 (03)931-1808 傳真 (03)931-1608 地址 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村39號 四人房 2400/3800, 3000/4800[norm/wkend, sakura season] 雙床三人房 estm NT2580/4,300 breakfast included on norm days. checkout11amcheckin3pm
- 高峰大飯店 Kaofeng Hotel 地址: 阿里山鄉中正村東阿里山41號 電話: (5)2679411 傳真: 05-2679412 4人VIP原木套房/VIP和室景觀套房: 6,500/3,200 4人VIP景觀套房/4人和室套房: 6,000/ 3,000
- Gao Shan Ching Hotel 高山青大飯店 地址:嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村43號 訂房:(05)267-9716 (05) 267-9988 (05)267-9388 (05)267-9688‧傳真專線:(05)267-9780 電子信箱:misscheerr@yahoo.com.tw 四人房 4300 2400 3000 3000 [rack/norm/peak/superpeak]
- 大峰山莊 Dafeng Villa http://dafong.cheap.com.tw/ 阿里山鄉中正村46號─旅館商店區 5-2679769 Behind Visitor's Center 4ppl 2200/3300[norm/saknm] w breakfast
- 阿里山 登山別館 ALI-SHAN DENGSHAN HOTEL (subsidary of Kaofeng Hotel) 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村東阿里山47號 商家地址: 阿里山鄉中正村東阿里山47號 電話: (5)2679758 傳真: 05-2679412
- 阿里山飯店美麗亞山莊 notbad 住址:嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村49號 訂房專線:05-2679745 FAX:05-2679145 AM:09:00~PM11:00 三人房 4300 2600 3400 3400 景觀四人房 5,200 2,550 4,550 4,650 3,250 4,850 [rack/norm/sat/hols/sakuranorm/sakurapeak] 經濟四人房 4,800 2,150 4,050 4,250 3,050 4,550 Breakfast??
- 阿里山‧禾楓別墅 Ho Fong Villa Hotel (Subsidary of Gao Shan Ching Hotel) Lux Leh! 地址:嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村51號 電話:(05)2679716 傳真:(05)2679780 2A db 2800/3600/4900/4500[norm/saknorm/sakpeak/peak] 2B 2200/3000/3900/3600 2C 2300/3200/4400/4000 3 2800/3800/4900/4500
- 阿里山力行山莊 Lishing Villa http://als008.cru.com.tw/ 地址: 阿里山鄉中正村52號(阿里山郵局旁) 電話: (5)2679634 傳真: 05-2679717 四人房 2400 3200 3520 [norm/peak/sakurapeak]
Hotels in Xianglin Village near Jiaoping Station
- 阿里山賓館 Alishan House 地址: 嘉義縣阿里山鄉香林村16號 郵件: admin@alishanhouse.com.tw 電話: (5)2679811 傳真: 05-2679596 ※另提供前往阿里山火車站搭乘祝山線觀日出火車之接駁專車,配合火車時刻發車。 Damn Good view but SO DAMN EXPENSIVE!!!
- 阿里山閣大飯店 Alishan Gou Hotel http://www.agh.com.tw/ 嘉義縣阿里山鄉香林村1號 TEL:05-2679611.05-2679312 FAX:05-2679614 三人房 3,200/2080/2720/2560 [rack/norm/superpeak/peak]incl Breakfast 6.30-8.30am Checkin1pm Checkout11.30
- Alishan Youth Activity Center 嘉義‧救國團阿里山青年活動中心 地址:嘉義縣阿里山鄉香林村二萬坪106號 電話:(05)2679561 傳真:(05)2679562 4ppl rm NT3040/3200
Minsu in Forest Recreation Area
- 阿里山欣欣民宿 Xinxin Minsu http://chin.mmmtravel.com.tw/?ptype=info 電 話: 05-2679748/ 0919-604513 手 機: 0937-573861 傳 真: 05-2679069 地 址: 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村24號 二人雅房 800元 1500元[平日/假日] 二人套房 1200元 2000元 四人雅房 1400元 2800元 四人套房 1800元 3600元 櫻花季價位 二人雅房 1000元 1500元 [平日/假日] 二人套房 1500元 2200元 四人雅房 1800元 2800元 四人套房 2500元 3600元
Hotels in other parts of Alishan
Minsu in other parts of Alishan
- 阿里山民宿-公田自在山林民宿 地址: 嘉義縣番路鄉公田村八鄰濫田仔四號 TEL: 05-2911658、0921016450 FAX: 05-2562087323766 聯絡人: Amy E-mail : alishan@alishan-travel.com.tw
- 阿里山民宿-梅園雅舍民宿 地址: 嘉義縣梅山鄉瑞里村1-7號(瑞太遊客中心斜對面) TEL: 05-2620278、0952019771、0932877474 聯絡人: 葉勝夫、 黃麗玲 E-mail: p2620278@yahoo.com.tw 特色: *鄰近瑞里風景區約5分鐘、奮起湖30分鐘、大凍山約45分鐘。 *在民宿前排的觀景套房,即可看到絢麗的日出 。 *梅園雅舍屬於別墅型民宿,整棟民宿共8間套房,約可容納32人,適合整棟承租給網友聚會。 *生態行程建議:瑞太古道、雲潭瀑布、千年蝙蝠洞、九二一大走山、野薑花溪等旅遊景點讓你一飽大自然的鬼斧神工,來一趟不同的尋幽之旅。
- 阿里山民宿-達娜伊谷雅瑪家資訊 地址: 嘉義縣番路鄉公興村龍美 1鄰4之9號 TEL: 05-2586905、0921200720 FAX: 05-2586274 聯絡人: 李茂寅 E-mail: yamahotel@yahoo.com.tw 特色: *鄰近達娜伊谷自然生態保育區約15分鐘、奮起湖30分鐘、大凍山約45分鐘。 *鄰近鄒族文化園區20分鐘,可免費欣賞原住民歌舞表演。 *看日出的話會建議去大凍山,車子即可開到鄰近處 。 *民宿主人有一手好廚藝。 *生態行程建議: 賞櫻、觀星、 賞螢(需自備手電筒)、 夕陽。
Posted by
Zut et al.
11:38 AM
Labels: Alishan
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Bus from Chiayi THSR Station to Alishan 阿里山!!!
3月15日至4月15日阿里山櫻花季假日,增開「高鐵嘉義阿里山旅遊快線公車」,以應對櫻花季客流高峰 欲乘坐高鐵前往阿里山的民眾可於高鐵太保站公車第三月台搭乘「高鐵嘉義阿里山旅遊快線公車」,逢週六、日(即3月17、18、24、25、31及4月1、7、8日)每天上午0815、0915、1115以及下午1315出發,由高鐵直達阿里山(中途只停嘉義火車站及石桌略供旅客休息),另於嘉義車站搭車上阿里山賞花民眾,時間為每日0710、0850(假日,高鐵乘客優先)、0910、1000(假日,高鐵乘客優先)、1110、1200(假日,高鐵乘客優先)、1310、1400(假日,高鐵乘車優先)及1510。 回程,阿里山將在0830、1000、1200、1400、1500(假日,高鐵乘客優先,預計1810抵達高鐵冬保站)、1530(假日,高鐵乘客優先,預計1840抵達高鐵太保站)、1540、1600(假日,高鐵乘客優先,預計1910抵達高鐵太保站)、1630(假日,高鐵乘客優先,預計1940抵達高鐵太保站)發車。 阿里山旅遊公車並採取當日預售(0630起)及對號入座措施(嘉義至阿里山單程票價全票214元、半票107元,高鐵太保站至阿里山單程票價為全票260元、半票130元)團體包車,請洽公車處遊覽部(專線05:2788371、或05:2788177轉208),乘車資訊或購票可洽嘉義站(電話05:2243140)、或上網http//citybus.cyhg.gov.tw/
Increased Bus Trips to Alishan during Plum Blossom Season 阿里山櫻花季加班車時刻表
一年一度阿里山櫻花季旅客,自3月15日至4月16日增開加班車,請民眾多加利用。 嘉義往阿里山公車平時有五班次: 06:10、08:10、10:10、12:10、14:10 假日固定增開二班:07:10、09:10,機動加班二班:08:00、10:00。 阿里山往嘉義公車平時有五班次:09:10、11:10、13:10、15:10、17:10 假日固定增開二班:14:10、16:10,機動加班二班:15:40、16:40Tips to maximise coverage of Alishan
There is an extra bus departing Chiayi Bus Station (on right side of Chiayi Railway Station) at 1010 hrs on Sat, Sun and public holidays only and makes a stop at Fenchihu before proceeding to Alishan. You can visit Fenchihu either on your way uphill to Alishan (see option 1 below) or on your way downhill to Chiayi (see option 2 below).
Option 1: (Visit Fenchihu on way up to Alishan) -- Early start from Chiayi
From Chiayi Bus Station, board the 0710 hrs bus uphill to Fenchihu. Fare: NT$155 Travel time: 1 hr 50 mins. Arrive Fenchihu at 0900 hrs. Visit the two attractions -- Fenchihu Old Street and Old Railway Museum (from 0900 to 1544 hrs = 6 hrs 44 mins). Board the 1544 hrs train uphill to Alishan. Fare: NT158 Travel time: 1 hr 14 mins Arrive Alishan at 1658 hrs.
Overnight in Alishan and view sunrise the next morning. Check-out at 12 noon.
Downhill by bus: Buses depart Alishan at 0910, 1110, 1310, 1510 and 1710 hrs for Chiayi Bus Station. Fare: NT$214 Travel time: About 2.5 hrs
Downhill by forest rail trains: Weekdays – The only train departs Alishan Station at 1318 hrs for Chiayi Railway Station.
Saturdays and Sundays – Trains depart Alishan Station at 1318 hrs and 1340 hrs for Chiayi Railway Station.
For option 1, you probably need to spend a night at Chiayi to catch the 0710 hrs bus uphill to Fenchihu. The only forest train arrives Fenchihu at 1544 hrs (weekdays), you will be at Fenchihu for 6 hrs 44 mins before proceeding to Alishan. However, if it is a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday, there is a train arriving Fenchihu at 1114 hrs in addition to the 1544 hrs train. You will be at Fenchihu for 2 hrs 14 mins to visit the two attractions.
Option 2: (Visit Fenchihu on way down to Chiayi)
Uphill by bus:
Buses depart Chiayi Bus Station (on right side of Chiayi Railway Station) at 0610, 0810, 1210 and 1410 hrs for Alishan. Fare: NT$214 Travel time: About 2.5 hrs. There is an extra bus at 1010 hrs on Sat, Sun and public holidays and makes a stop at Fenchihu before proceeding to Alishan. OR Uphill by forest rail trains:
Weekdays – The only train departs Chiayi Railway Station at 1330 hrs for Alishan Station Saturdays and Sundays – Trains depart Chiayi Railway Station at 0900 hrs and 1330 hrs for Alishan Station. Overnight in Alishan and view sunrise the next morning. Check-out at 12 noon. Board the 1318 hrs train downhill to Fenchihu. Fare: NT158 Travel time: 1 hr 17 mins. Arrive Fenchihu at 1435 hrs. Visit the two attractions -- Fenchihu Old Street and Old Railway Museum (from 1435 to 1650 hrs = 2 hrs 15 mins). Board the 1650 hrs bus downhill to Chiayi Bus Station. Fare: NT$155 Travel time: 1 hr 50 mins. Arrive Chiayi at 1840 hrs. You will be at Fenchihu for 2hrs 15 mins to visit the two attractions. Chiayi <–> Fenchihu bus schedule: http://citybus.cyhg.gov.tw/linemap/b05.htm Chiayi <–> Alishan bus schedule: http://citybus.cyhg.gov.tw/linemap/b24.htm
There is an extra bus departing Chiayi at 1010 hrs on Sat, Sun and public holidays only. This bus will make a stop at Fenchihu before proceeding to Alishan. Bus fares: http://citybus.cyhg.gov.tw/timeprice.html Forest rail schedule: http://railway.forest.gov.tw/Eng/ContentView.aspx?Type=8&SID=18 Forest rail fares: http://railway.forest.gov.tw/Eng/ContentView.aspx?Type=21&SID=21
Suggest option 2 for visits on weekdays and either option 1 or 2 for visits on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
Posted by
Zut et al.
5:06 PM
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Hualien Minsu
This is a superb minsu i came across: Grace Garden 葛麗絲莊園 http://www.gracegarden.com.tw/ 花莲县寿丰乡登山村鱼塘路43号 0933-121622
Posted by
Zut et al.
10:38 AM
Friday, March 07, 2008
Some Tourism Websites
Taiwan Tourism Board http://taiwan.net.tw/lan/Cht/index/index.asp
Keelung Area http://www.klcg.gov.tw/
Nantou Area http://travel.nantou.gov.tw/
SunMoonLake Area http://www.sunmoonlake.gov.tw/
Alishan Area http://www.ali.org.tw/
Posted by
Zut et al.
1:37 PM
Labels: taiwan preparation work
Taiwan Holidays
Holiday and Festival in Taiwan
Holiday and Festival Date
New Year's Day, Republic of China (ROC) Foundation Day January 01
Chinese New Year's Eve February 17, 2007
Chinese New Year 2007 Feb. 18 (Day 1 of the First Lunar Month)
2008 Feb. 7 , 2009 Jan. 26 , 2010 Feb. 14
Lantern Festival February 28, 2007 (Day 15 of the First Lunar Month)
Peace Memorial Day February 28
Youth Day March 29
Women & Children' Day April 4
Tomb Sweeping Day April 5, 2007 (April 4, 5, or 6 of the year)
Labor Day May 1
Dragon Boat Festival June 19, 2007 (Day 5 of the Fifth Lunar Month)
Ghost Month August 13 - September 10, 2007 (7th Lunar Month)
Hungry Ghost Festival August 26, 2007 (Day 14 of the Seventh Lunar month)
Armed Forces Day September 3
Mid-Autumn (Moon) Festival September 25, 2007 (Day 15 of the eight Lunar Month)
Confucius' Birthday (Teacher's Day) September 28
Double Ten (National Day) October 10
Taiwan Retrocession Day October 25
Chiang Kai-Shek's Birthday October 31
Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Birthday November 12
Constitution Day December 25
Posted by
Zut et al.
1:34 PM
Labels: Taiwan Trip
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Recommended Places
國立傳統藝術中心 National Centre for Traditional Arts http://www.ncfta.gov.tw/ncfta_ce/main/index.aspx Accomodation available there too. 地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉五濱路二段201號 餐飲特色: 園區內提供各式美味精緻的傳統小吃,遊客到此,除欣賞傳統藝術展演外,豐富的風味餐點肯定為這趟旅程留下更難忘的滋味。 營業(開放)時間: 上午09:00至晚上06:00;全年無休 (上午09:00至下午05:00為售票時間) 國立傳統藝術中心服務台/洽詢電話 0800-868676 費用簡介: 一般票NT$ 150元;一般民眾 團體優待票NT$ 120元;20人(含)以上團體 優待票NT$ 100元;65歲老人、學生、軍警、宜蘭縣民(須憑証) 免費;殘障人士(需憑證)、90公分以下兒童 ◎以上費用僅提供參考,請以現場公告為準,不另行通知! 停車場: 附屬停車場(小客車50元/次)
Posted by
Zut et al.
2:53 PM
Weather, Temp, Rainfall
Jan-May In Jan and Feb, it is quite cold as it is considered winter. Besides this, there are often rain especially during the 'plum season'. The rain usually lets up around late March - early Apr so this window of time is good to go but from 29/3 to 4/4 is considered the golden week in taiwan so expect to compete with the locals going vacationing. Also, there is the said children's day and tombsweeping. If you book early, you should be ok. Rainy season starts to come in late May so it might not be wise to go then. Jun-Sept Disadvantages to travelling in Taiwan during the summer: (1) More bugs, insects, and mosquitoes. (2) Risk of dengue fever. (3) High UV index. (4) Higher risk of dehydration (5) Typhoon season Taipei is very hot as it is in a valley surrounded by mountains that create quite a heat sink. Unlike Singapore, which is an island, there is no light breeze in Taipei to cool the city despite the heat so the city is dry and hot. Oct-Dec is good time to go. Weather not too hot or cold. A light cardigan will do the trick and little rainfall. Also, because of the cooler weather, there are less bugs and mosquitos if you are travelling into forested areas. advise from taiwanese friend
Posted by
Zut et al.
1:55 PM
Labels: weather
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Alishan Module
Some relevant links: Alishan National Scenic Area http://www.ali.org.tw/ Alishan Forest Rail Website http://railway.forest.gov.tw Alishan Forest Rail Booking http://forestrailway.forest.gov.tw
Posted by
Zut et al.
9:37 AM
Monday, March 03, 2008
Kodak hotel Taipei
http://www.khotel.com.tw/chinese/taipeitwo01.htm http://www.greenpeakhotel.com.tw/ 地址:台北市中山北路二段77巷18號 betw Linsen N Rd & Zhongshan N Rd Sec2 . Center plot btw ambassador hotel & Li Ba Da Power? Building? 電話:(02)2511-2611 傳真:(02)2563-8765 E-mail:greenpeak@greenpeakhotel.com.tw
Posted by
Zut et al.
12:02 PM
Chiayi Hotels
Near the Chiayi Railway Station http://www.country-hotel.58168.net/ 國園大飯店 Country Hotel 地址:嘉義市光彩街678號 Tel:05-2236336 e-mail:country-hotel@58168.net 商務套房 1,260 950990 880 950 1,650 [rack/ norm-wkend/ contract norm/ contractwkend/ festival] 歐式套房 1,800 1,3501,390 1,260 1,350 2,400 貴賓套房 2,400 1,8001,920 1,680 1,800 3,200 蜜月套房 2,080 1,5601,660 1,450 1,560 2,600 三人房 1,800 1,3501,390 1,260 1,350 2,200 和室房(3+1) 2,300 1,7001,840 1,600 1,700 3,000 精緻套房 1,700 1,2601,350 1,190 1,260 2,200 豪華套房 2,500 1,8001,920 1,750 1,800 3,200 Jiaxin Hotel 687 Zhongzheng Rd T:05-2222280 Tongyi Hotel 720 Zhongzheng Rd T:05-2252685
Posted by
Zut et al.
9:04 AM
Labels: hotels